Fact Sheet


Central Bank of Bahrain

Financial Institutions:

(April 2024)

Financial Sector Workforce:

Total Workforce 14,362 (2023)
Bahraini nationals 9,995 (70%)
Foreign nationals 4,367 (30%)

Key Economic Indicators:


GDP (Current) US$43.2 billion (2023)
Growth -2.7% (2023)
GDP (Constant) US$36.3 billion (2023)
Growth 2.4% (2023)
Contribution of financial corporations to GDP in constant prices 17.8% (2023)
Sovereign Rating B+ (S&P November 2023) with a positive outlook

B+ (Fitch July 2023) with a stable outlook

Population 1,557,182 (2022)


Banking Sector:


Assets US$236.7 billion (February 2024)
Total No. of Banks 84 (April 2024)
Retail banks 29 (April 2024)
Locally incorporated retail banks 13
Branches of foreign retail banks 16
Wholesale Banks 55
Representative Offices (Banks) 7
Bank Society 1
Islamic Banks (included in above):
No. of banks 15 (April 2024)
Assets US$61.9 billion (February 2024)


Insurance Sector:


Total No. of Insurance Companies & Organisations
Authorised in Bahrain 141 (December 2023)* excluding Appointed Representative
Domestic Market
Gross premiums BHD 217,460,000 (US$ 578,226,499.1) (September 2023)
No. of Insurance Firms 31
– Locally Incorporated Insurance, Reinsurance Firms 21
– Insurance & Reinsurance Firms (included above, in Locally Incorporated) 14
— Takaful & Retakaful Firms (included above, in Locally Incorporated) 6
— Captives (included above, in Locally Incorporated) 1
– Overseas Insurance Firms 10
Insurance Brokers 33
Insurance Consultants 4
Insurance Managers 3
Representative Offices 2
Registered Loss Adjusters 14
Registered Actuaries 32
Insurance Ancillary Services 6
Insurance Pools & Syndicates 2
Insurance Society 1
Insurance Licensees Restricted: 13
– Insurance Firms restricted: 9
– Insurance Brokers restricted: 3
– Insurance Consultants restricted: 1
Insurance Appointed Representative 94
– Corporate 33
– Individual 61


Investment Business Firms:

No. of Investment Business firms 49 (December 2022)

Specialised Licensees:


Total no. of institutions  81 (December 2022)
Money Changers  18
Fund Administrators License  4
Financing Companies  7
Microfinance Institution  2
Trust Service Providers  4
Ancillary Service Providers  30
Registered Professional Body  1
Representative Offices  14


Funds Industry:

Authorised Funds 1707 (June 2024)
NAV US$11.932 billion (March 2024)
Locally Incoporated (CIUs)  53
– Conventional-CIU  29
– Islamic-CIU  24
Locally Incorporated (PIUs)  10
– Conventional-PIU  6
– Islamic-PIU  4
– Islamic Funds (both local and overseas)  131
Foreign Funds-Offshore 1644 (June 2024)
NAV for Local Funds (CIUs and PIUs) US$4.586 billion (March 2024)
NAV for Offshore Funds US$7.346 billion (March 2024)
NAV for Islamic Funds (Local and Offshore) US$1.783 billion (March 2024)


Capital Market:


Market Capitalisation US$ 20.6 billion (December 2023)
Listed Companies 40
Licensed Exchanges 1
Licensed Clearing, Settlement and Central Depository Systems 1
Licensed Securities Broker-Dealers 1
Licensed Securities Brokers 2
Other Members of Licensed Exchanges 6
Licensed Crypto-Asset Services 7




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